Baba's Wonderful Bed-Stead

Let us first see where and how Baba slept, Mr. Nanasaheb Dengale brought, for Sai Baba, a wooden plank,
amount 4 cubits in length and only a span in breath, for sleeping upon. Instead of keeping the plank on the floor and then
sleeping on it, Baba tied it like a swing to the rafters of the Masjid with old shreds or rags and commenced to sleep upon it.
The rags were so thin and worn out that it was a problem how they could bear or support even weight of the plank itself, let
alone the weight of Baba. But somehow or other-it was Baba's sheer Leela that the worn out rags did sustain the plank, with
the weight of Baba on it. On the four corners of this plank, Baba lighted panatis (earthen lamps), one at each corner, and
kept them burning the whole night. It was a sight for the Gods to see Baba sitting or sleeping on this plank! It was a wonder
to all, how Baba got up and down the plank. Out of curiosity, many careful observers kept watching the process of mounting
and dismounting, but none succeeded. As crowds began to swell so to detect this wonderful feat, Baba one day broke the
plank into pieces and threw it away. Baba had all the eight Siddhis (powers) at His command. He never practiced nor
craved for them. They came to Him naturally, as a result of His perfection.
